IUB | Directorate Of Affiliation

College Detail

Ibn-e-sina Degree College For Women Yazman


About College

Ibn e Sina Degree College for Women Yazman is Established in 1999 Registered by Govt of Puanjab. This institution is alao affiliated with IUB since 2000. This institution offering FA, FSC, ICS, ADP, BS 4YEAR, BS 5TH SEMESTER, B. ED, M. ED Programs for the community of Thesil Yazman District Bahawalpur. Yazman city is loacted 30 Km away from Bahawalpur known as Gateway to Cholistan. Faculty staff of this instituation is Mphil & Ph.D Qaulaified. Students of this instituation got First position in Bahawalpur Board in 2018, fisrt Position in ADP, MA PHYSICAL EDUCATION, B. ED GOLD MEDALIST, M. ED 1ST. BA BSC GOLD MEDALIST in IUB. This institution is working under the supervision Dr. Adeel Ahmed Malik. He has Completed his Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.